Texturing: Problems
Here I was having problems with the alpha channels, for some reason when texturing on mudbox, the colours don't match with the rendering...

Texturing: Head
Here is the texture on the head, I tried doing the skin in mudbox with projection mapping

Rigging: Skirt
Here rigging the skirt, I wanted to create a swish motion when she moves, but my tutor said it was going to be hard to create

Here are the official blenshapes of my character, my tutor at the time released a tutorial on how to wrap the model of the head...

Texturing: Hair
So i first started texturing the hair, i had followed a tutorial online. I remember it was a video on texturing the character of...

Here are some of the UV's for my character, I remember I had to do the upper body a couple of times because the unfold didn't want to...

Blendshape: Trial
Here was the start of my blendshapes, I remember i had a lot of trouble placing them on the original model because there was too much...